Business Opportunities ({{ $businesses->count() }})

OZBIZ Market provides a premium business buyers and investors platform in India and abroad.
Search and connect with strategic investors, HNIs, NRIs, private individual investors and startup investors from 200+ different industries and 1300+ different locations for your SME and startup business requirements. Get acquired, Raise funds, Find partner, Sell your Franchise and many more.

@foreach($businesses as $business) @php $images = json_decode($business->images, true); $firstImage = $images[0]; @endphp
@if (file_exists(public_path('business_images/' . $firstImage))) Business Image {{ $loop->iteration }} @else Business Image {{ $loop->iteration }} @endif
{{ $business->deal_title }}

{{ \Illuminate\Support\Str::limit($business->other_details, 110) }}

{{ $business->interested_in }}
Asking Price: {{ $business->asking_price }} Location: {{ $business->location }}