Business Investor And Buyers ({{ $buyers->count() }})

OZBIZ Market provides a premium business buyers and investors platform in India and abroad.
Search and connect with strategic investors, HNIs, NRIs, private individual investors and startup investors from 200+ different industries and 1300+ different locations for your SME and startup business requirements. Get acquired, Raise funds, Find partner, Sell your Franchise and many more.

@foreach($buyers as $buyer)
@if(isset($buyer->profile_image)) User Image @else User Image @endif
{{ $buyer->name }} {{ $buyer->designation }} Location: {{ $buyer->state }}
@php $aboutText = $buyer->name . " is an investor from " . $buyer->country_name . " with " . $buyer->experience . " years of experience in " . $buyer->investment_rationale . ". " . $buyer->name . " is looking to invest in " . implode(', ', json_decode($buyer->preferred_industry)) . " in " . implode(', ', json_decode($buyer->locations)) . ". " . $buyer->name . " has invested/acquired earlier within the last 5 years."; $words = explode(' ', $aboutText); $limitedText = implode(' ', array_slice($words, 0, 30)); if (count($words) > 30) { $limitedText .= '...'; } @endphp

{!! $limitedText !!}

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Preferred Industries
@php $industries = json_decode($buyer->preferred_industry, true); @endphp @if (!empty($industries) && is_array($industries)) @foreach ($industries as $industry) {{ $industry }} @endforeach @elseif (is_string($industries) && !empty($industries)) {{ $industries }} @endif
Preferred Locations
@php $locations = json_decode($buyer->locations, true); @endphp @if (!empty($locations) && is_array($locations)) @foreach ($locations as $location) {{ $location }} @endforeach @endif
@if ($buyer->buyer_investor == 'Buyer') @elseif ($buyer->buyer_investor == "Investor") Investment Budget: {{ $buyer->preferred_investment_size }} @endif