Posted By: {{ $buyer->posted_by }}
Mobile: {{ substr($buyer->phone_number, 0, 2) . str_repeat('*', strlen($buyer->phone_number) - 3) . substr($buyer->phone_number, -1) }}
Email: {{ preg_replace_callback( '/^(.)([^@]*)(@)([^\.]*)(\..+)$/', function ($matches) { return $matches[1] . str_repeat('*', strlen($matches[2])) . $matches[3] . str_repeat('*', strlen($matches[4])) . $matches[5]; }, $buyer->email ) }}
Listing ID: {{ $buyer->buying_id }}
{{ $buyer->name }} is an investor from {{ $buyer->country }} with {{ $buyer->experience }} years of experience in {{ $buyer->investment_rationale }}. {{ $buyer->name }} is looking to invest in {{ implode(', ', json_decode($buyer->preferred_industry)) }} in {{ implode(', ', json_decode($buyer->locations)) }}. {{ $buyer->name }} has invested/acquired earlier within the last 5 years.
{{ $buyer->designation }} from {{ $buyer->city }}
Areas of Experience: {{ $buyer->experience }} in {{ $buyer->investment_rationale }}