OZBIZ Market
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it free to register on ozbizmarket.com?

Yes, it is free to register.

How can I sell my business via, ozbizmarket.com?

Please check the How it Works section to know how we can help you sell your business.

Business Owners / Sellers

How many listing can I post?

As a seller you can post only ONE listing or you can post listings based on your membership package. If you are interested in selling more than one business, please email us on info@ozbizmarkets.com.

How can I contact buyers?

You can search prospective buyer listings from our advanced search options. If you find any suitable match, you can send a message through the system and they will contact you back if they are interested in your offer.

Business Investors / Buyers

How many listing can I post?

As a seller you can post only ONE listing. or you can post listings based on your membership package. If you are interested in buying more than one business, please email us on info@ozbizmarkets.com.

What details do I need to provide as a business buyer and why?

As a business buyer you'll be requested to provide information about the kind of business you are looking for along with your current profile, the term in which you're looking to acquire the said business and your finance source for the said investment.


Account Manager

Refers to the dedicated resource assigned to the premium client.

Verified Tag

What is Verified tag?

Verified tag is to suggest that the information mentioned on the business listing matches with the information submitted as documentary proof. This creates trust factor and more transparency for the interested buyer/investor for that business opportunity.

Featured Tag

What is Featured Tag on Business opportunities?

The business opportunities with FEATURED tag can be contacted if you have Free Introduction Credit available in your account. Please note that Free (trial) credit should be used within the expiry period.
Free (TRIAL) credit is designed to help you understand how OZBIZ Markets works. However, it ONLY works with Businesses with FEATURED tags. You can check all available FEATURED listings.

How to pay for Membership Plans?

By Cheque / Demand Draft

Please make the cheque / Demand draft in favour of 'Manali E-Business Pvt. Ltd.' and deposit the cheque in one of your nearest State Bank Of India branches. Alternatively, you can post the cheque / Demand Draft to the address below:
Manali E-Business Pvt. Ltd.
4th Floor - DevX,
Binori B Square, 3, Sindhu Bhavan Marg,
Bodakdev, Ahmedabad-380054, Gujarat, India